Many men might find the sound of a dread mullet strange or even terrifying. We must also acknowledge that it is, to put it mildly, unusual to wear dreadlocks mullet. Without a doubt, it is not for the timid. Avoid this look if you prefer understated hairstyles and want to blend in. Considering that this hairstyle will make you stand out and cause people to turn to closely examine your hair.
In this article, we’ll go over the dread mullet and some of its fascinating variations in great detail.
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What Are Dreadlocks Mullet
When you have shorter hair in the front and long, voluminous dreadlocks in the back of your head, you have a dread mullet, also known as a “drullet.”
To be more specific, you must have dreadlocks that extend to your nape. Some guys prefer to have dreads only on their nape. Instead of dreadlocks, you could simply wear your natural hair up top and in the front. But it’s also acceptable if you do have dreads there. However, be sure to keep it succinct.
9 Interesting Dreadlocks Mullet Hairstyles For Men
A dread mullet may appear to be a restricted hairstyle at first glance. There are, however, many dreadlock variations. Out of all the outfits we looked at, we have chosen the top 9 for you. Look over the list to learn more about them in depth.
Accessorized Dread Mullet

Our suggestion for accessorizing your dread mullet is the last appearance on this list. Your creativity is unbound by limitations when using the accessories. However, we suggest that you play around with beads. Beads and dreadlocks look great together.
If you add some beads to your dread mullet, it will look very alluring. Despite the existence of other accessory types, beads are without a doubt our favorite kind.
Dread Mullet Bun

Pulling back your lengthy dreads is all it takes to achieve a man bun. It would be slightly more difficult than a typical man bun. because long dreadlock maintenance is more challenging than maintaining natural hair. You must therefore exercise more patience. Don’t worry, you won’t mind the hassle because the outcomes will be so incredible.
Drullet Hawk

For this look, you would primarily use your front hair. The front to the crown of your hair should be spiked up into a Mohawk style. You would have the customary long dreadlocks covering your back. You can also add additional color to the sharp spikes and dreads on your head.
This style is undoubtedly not for everyone, and many men might consider it to be excessive. But if making a statement is what you’re after, you won’t find a better look than this one.
Radical Dread Mullet

An already brazen and disobedient appearance is a dread mullet. This particular design is just development. All of your hair must be shaved off your head, with the exception of the back dreadlocks. All eyes should be on your dreads, and your head should be shiny and smooth.
For this style, it doesn’t matter if you have long or short dreads. Any time period is an option. A thick beard may give you the appearance of being more resolute.
Dyed Dread Mullet

Dyeing your dread mullet is among the simplest ways to alter its appearance. There are no color restrictions because this style is already a little out-there. Actually, you are free to choose any color. If it matches the color of your natural hair, it might be invisible. It might also be colorful and entirely unique.
Your entire head of hair can be dyed with just one color. However, we suggest going with the two-toned option because it has a much more elegant appearance. It presumes that you must dye either the middle or the tips of your dreads.
Half Up Half Down

Without a doubt, this is the appearance on the list that draws the most attention. Even if you look through the entire list, nothing else has a look similar to this one. At first glance, it doesn’t even seem to be a dread mullet style. To get this look, you also need dreads in the front. The length of your back dreads shouldn’t be too long either. Only shoulder-length dreads are acceptable.
The remaining dreadlocks from the front, top, and crown region are taken out and tied in a top knot as the last step. To finish the look, dreadlocks should be pulled back into a ponytail at the nape of the neck.
Side-Shaved Dread Mullet

If you have made the decision to try out a dread mullet, subtlety is definitely not what you are going for. You might not be content to simply fade this style as a result. Simply comb it down if your natural hair is not dreadlocked in the front. For this style, having very long back dreadlocks would also be preferable.
Nothing else should cause you any concern. You are essentially leaving everything up to chance. Shaved sides and long dreads give off a fairly contemporary appearance.
Front Cropped Dread Mullet

On our list, the first style exemplifies contrast. The hair will look completely different in the front and back, but they will contrast sharply with one another. Your front hair will be neatly cropped and short. Maintain a clean and straight hairline. The goal is to maintain order in the front area. The craziness in the back will appear even crazier in this way. Consider getting dreadlocks that are extremely long and reach your shoulder. You can incorporate a taper or a fade to further enhance the style.
The Ending Note
To occasionally step outside your comfort zone is a good idea. Considering that may be when the real fun starts. Mullets and dreadlocks have experienced a significant resurgence. Is it really so shocking that someone might want to combine these two to create something new? You alone will decide what to do in the end. If you’ve decided to go for it, more power to you.
We hope you found this article on “Dreadlocks Mullet” to be interesting.